
“38-Year-Old Investor: Portfolio Rebalancing Tips for 12-Year SIP”

Rebalance your portfolio once or twice a year to make sure your assets are in line with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. I am 38 years old and have been investing in the following mutual funds through SIPs. I aim to invest for next 12 years. Please advise if I need to rebalance my … Read more

Best ELSS Mutual Funds


Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) funds invest the bulk of their capital in equities and equity-related products and have a three-year lock-in period. Following this term, an ELSS plan becomes an open-ended scheme. Investments in ELSS funds of up to Rs.1.5 lakh are tax deductible under section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961. … Read more